That moment of doubt
before dough becomes crust
before cloth becomes shirt
before words become poem
is part of the process.
Keep going.
Todays Poetry Friday Roundup is at There Is No Such Thing as a God-forsaken Town. Enjoy!
That moment of doubt
before dough becomes crust
before cloth becomes shirt
before words become poem
is part of the process.
Keep going.
Todays Poetry Friday Roundup is at There Is No Such Thing as a God-forsaken Town. Enjoy!
Dandelions blossom
in every other yard.
The yard without one broad-leaved "weed"
displays this warning card.
Someone ought to tell the robins,
Fly away! Stay clear!
Poisoned worms will poison you--
Don't eat here!
Poetry matters.
Democracy, too. Today,
postcards to voters.
Warm wind whispers, "Now!"
Calendar does not agree.
I can't help myself.
One reusable?
SEVENTY disposables?
Choose sustainable.
Happy Earth Day--and remember to bring your bag!
Marshy meander,
clutching dog-eared bird field guide.
At Horicon Marsh, we saw lots of Canada geese and red-winged blackbirds plus Northern Harriers, tree swallows, coots, and a variety of ducks: Northern Shoveler, blue-winged teal, redhead, ring-necked, mallard, and probably more. The pelicans were my favorites!
festive gathering
bunting strung from beam to beam
no balloons allowed
I'm tickled to see this bunting in use at the Urban Ecology Center's clothing swap today. I made it!
Nesting birds, tra-la!
Rabbits flip head over heels.
Hope is in the air.
Heidi Mordhorst has today's Poetry Friday Roundup at my juicy little universe. Enjoy!
rustling brushes twirl
street sweeper stockpiles debris
thunder on patrol
mesmerizing view
I could stay here all day long
watching spring unfold
brown creeper shadow
climbs sidewalk tree trunk shadow
my shadow watches
Waiting in the car:
portable machines, fabric,
supplies. Let's go sew!
Update: Volunteers at today's Bring Your Bag Shorewood Sewing Bee produced 26 handmade reusable shopping bags for the Shorewood Public Library and Hunger Task Force, Inc.--good for the planet and fun!
purple martin pairs
claim the best nest compartments
beneficial guests
We've just returned from a trip out of town, where I ran across gobs of lost things. Of course, I took pictures. Glad to be home. More to come!
Jone Rush MacCulloch has today's Poetry Friday Roundup. Enjoy!
binoculars raised
I focus on waterbirds
learning duck by duck
shiny plastic threads
dangle from oriole's nest
built to last and last
some days are too hard
tomorrow will be better
let's just try again
P.S. Rosy is fine. We had a long, lovely, tiring walk followed by a spectacular tick event. All will be well.
starling silhouette
perches, whistles, cackles at
starling silhouette
keeping one foot warm
goose guards rippling reflections
eyes us warily
Happy Poetry Friday! Irene Latham has today's Poetry Friday Roundup at Live Your Poem. Enjoy!
crashing waves reveal
sleek, polished inspiration
always free of charge
Note to Self
Purple notebook,
purple pen.
April is reason enough.
Write again.
chilly all-day rain
underneath the overhang
finch finds room to rest
Miss me? Miss you, too--
you and your icicle ears.
I'll wait here. Come back!
Happy National Poetry Month! This year's theme is Lost & Found. I'll try to post a new poem every day. Enjoy!
our small acts add up
today's the day let's march forth
do one hopeful thing
March 4th is my favorite calendar date--I've been celebrating it for years. To me, it's the true beginning of spring and a time to take stock and plow ahead. March forth!
While I wait for the coffee to steep in the morning, I look out the window to check out the world. I might see a cardinal or two, a flock of juncos scavenging under the feeders, three or four squirrels chasing each other around, or any of an assortment of other small creatures. This was my view a few days ago.
Early Birds
still too dark to tell for sure
probably a mourning dove
perched above the curlicue
on the snowy front porch rail
like a fluffy finial
staring through the glass at me
wondering what I might be
but still too dark to see
Want to check out more Poetry Friday posts? Robyn Hood Black has rounded them up for us at Life on the Deckle Edge. Enjoy!
oniony bulb
tall, tippy stalk
pale flowerlets remind us:
I might be late to the party, but here I am, slipping in one more Poetry Friday post before the end of the year. I made three attempts to write about the narcissus bulb forced to bloom on my desk. The first is an elfchen, a new form to me, introduced by the #PoetrySisters. It didn't really say all I wanted to say, but I will try the form again. As I kept scribbling, I fell into the more familiar haiku.
from tall, tippy stalk,
small burst of pale flowerlets--
spring in December
Finally, I tried free verse, which gave me a little more leeway.
Narcissus sprouts
from oniony bulb.
Glistening white roots
sink to drink.
Tippy stalk stretches
in daily increments.
Pale flowerlet sunburst
helps us remember:
spring circles back.
And now I want to say Happy New Year to all! May it be filled with all kinds of hope, joy, and love!
Michelle Kogan has today's Poetry Friday Roundup. Be sure the check out the other Poetry Friday posts.
Autumn has arrived, and it kinda feels like winter. I spent much of the summer with my hands in dirt, but I'm back inside now.
We had some work done on our house (New windows! New paint!) that required emptying out the room where I write and sew. I was determined not to cram everything back in, so I emptied out the file cabinet and gave it away. Now I'm sorting through piles of paper. I've made some progress, but there's much more to read and revise or recycle. Here's a poem I found and updated, started in July 2019.
I am not the only one
who works from dawn to setting sun.
Robin builds a sturdy nest,
never stops to take a rest,
then lays eggs! That must be hard.
Squirrel digs up half the yard.
Rabbit nibbles on the flowers
that I tend for countless hours.
Whether weather's hot or cold,
bees fill up their sacks with gold.
Beaver dams a rushing stream!
Compared to them, my life's a dream.
Buffy Silverman has the Poetry Friday Roundup. Be sure to visit!
Oh, this top! I thought it would be simple. Hahahahaha! I wanted to try sewing raglan sleeves because I thought they would be easier than the set-in kind, but no. I downloaded the pattern and printed it myself to save time, but no. I altered the pattern to make it fit better, but no--at least not at first. With only the pockets (of course it has pockets) and hem to finish, I let it sit and wait. For what? For me to get up the nerve, I guess. Yesterday, I plowed ahead and finished it in spite of my misgivings. Finally!
I'm posting a new poem each day for National Poetry Month. Read on to see more!
I'm posting a new poem each day for National Poetry Month. Read on to see more!
I'm posting a new poem each day for National Poetry Month. Read on to see more!
Ruth is hosting the Poetry Friday Roundup at There Is No Such Thing as a God-Forsaken Town. Enjoy!
I'm posting a new poem each day for National Poetry Month. Read on to see more!
Busy day, busy week, busy month! I love April because of spring flowers, migrating birds, and National Poetry Month, but it can become just a teensy bit wearing. I'm hoping to spend some time taking it easy today. Wish me luck!
I'm posting a new poem each day for National Poetry Month. Read on to see more!